Perk-Crete Pervious Concrete
Perk-Crete is a “puddle-proof” pavement. When it rains it drains. Perk-Crete protects our beautiful coastal resource by delivering stormwater back to the aquifer the way nature intended…
National Ready Mix Concrete Association Recognizes CCRM’s Leadership Perk-Crete Marketing Role in Industry Publication “In Focus Magazine”
Click Here to Read the Full Article!
Chatham Boatyard’s Perk-Crete Pavement Provides Zero Run-off Parking
What used to be a “mud zone” after heavy rains is now a structural pavement parking area that allows storm water to dissipate back into the aquifer.
Local Success with Perk-Crete Highlighted in a National Publication: The Journal of Light Construction

Perk-Crete “self-draining” concrete is gaining national attention and when the Journal of Light Construction wanted to feature this relevant concrete technology in their June edition they needed someone with construction experience and pervious concrete knowledge to author a feature length article. CCRM’s sales manager Peter Zoni stepped up to the plate and produced a write-up explaining the fundamentals of pervious concrete and the installation techniques that insure performance and durability. Thanks to Zoni’s efforts and the support of the CCRM operations and quality assurance team, Perk-Crete pavement is becoming a solution of choice to tackle challenging stormwater interception requirements throughout southeastern Massachusetts. Link to JLC Article
Perk-Crete Chosen for Greenhouse Learning Lab!
CCRM’s Peter Zoni Supports Industry Education with New England Home and Garden Show Demonstration of PERK-CRETE Concrete!
Cape Cod Ready Mix Recognized by NRMCA for Leadership Role in Education and Promotion of Pervious Concrete
Cape Cod Ready Mix in conjunction with MACAPA conducted an NRMCA pervious concrete contractor certification course attended by 25 new installers. This certification course included classroom instruction and a hands-on section where attendees received expert guidance and training on successful placement techniques. CCRM’s sales manager Peter Zoni organized the certification program with MACAPA. Cape Cod Ready Mix provided the pervious concrete, quality control, finishing equipment and placement facilities. NRMCA Senior Director, National Resources, Doug O’Neill acknowledged the effort and reports CCRM and Peter Zoni continue to be an instrumental part of how and why the industry education process has worked so well when it comes to its success with pervious concrete.
About Perk-Crete Pervious Concrete
Pervious concrete is a mix of Portland cement, coarse aggregate, water and admixtures. Because there is little or no sand in the mix, the pore structure contains many voids that allow water and air to pass through.
Perk-Crete Advantage:
Perk-Crete concrete solves a real problem for owners and builders by providing the most logical, economical and environmental solution for stormwater management. When the heavens break loose, a water deluge hitting a Perk-Crete placement is intercepted, contained, filtered and delivered back to the aquifer as nature intended. Performance is achieved in conjunction with the highest levels of “elegance and charm” desired by owners.
The Perk-Crete mix design delivered by Cape Cod Ready Mix represents years of product development and testing. Engineered performance attributes include:
• duty cycle measured in decades
• freeze / thaw protection
• high impact resistance for plow blade protection
New federally mandated storm water management regulations are in effect making pervious concrete systems a viable solution. While the EPA recognizes pervious concrete as a Best Management Practice (BMP), building owners are realizing better land utilization and LEED credits with pervious concrete parking lots. Pervious concrete applications can be used as an alternative to complex drainage systems and water retention areas in reducing storm water runoff.
Informative Perk-Crete Case Study (click link):
This case study detials a the design and installation of a 200 foot long Wellfleet, MA Driveway on a steep incline that is in service and delivers zero run-off during major storm events!
Perk-Crete CCRM Data Sheet (click link)